Friday, December 23, 2011

Adventure - Parque Lage (with ALL pics-second attempt)

Today, WE WENT on a field trip with our dear friend Amy!  My sweet sister-in-law has "gotten on to me" for NOT posting enough pictures since we have been here in Rio...So this BLOG is dedicated FIRST dear our friend Amy who went out of her way to take us on a WONDERFUL was SO MUCH fun and I know we will be back to Parque Lage (did I mention this place was FREE!)!  Praying we will have a car...because the bus issue seemed so complicated....(she drove us there!)  Secondly, I am dedicating this blog to SARA....and all of our friends and family!  We miss you all...and we would like for you to NOTICE the SWEAT on all of our faces!!!  LOL!  Love y'all!

Jaca - a fruit found here in Brazil.  It is YUMMY!!!!  It was growing all over this place....  

This was an old sugar mill.... in the 1920's it was owned by Henrique Lage.  He fell in love an an Italian opera singer. He built her many places and gardens where she could sing opera!  It is an AWESOME place to visit!  Today it is an ART SCHOOL and a public park.  How cool?!  

I picture the opera singer singing here next to this pool in the courtyard to a crowded home!  If you look up you can see Corcovado (Christ the Redeemer).  

Kierra and Amy...

Raegan being .... well, Raegan....  LOL!!!!  She is posing as a statue!!!!  A beautiful one, I might add....  :)

Jon had to get in on that action too....  :)  

Shutters made out of cool!

What is behind the wall????


Really!!!!  Slaves would come down into this cave and use the water from a waterfall to wash the clothes.  It is nice and cool in this cave....

Mawmaw and Pawpaw Griste would be jealous of these fish!!!!  :)  They were HUGE!!!

Thought this picture (above) was many times I forget how common it is here for people to offer "sacrifices" to nature and so forth ...please continue to pray for people around the World who DO NOT know about our Savoir Jesus Christ!  Pray that we will be bold in sharing HIM with all...BOLD in sharing TRUTHS...

AAAHHHHHHHH.....Tarzan!!!!! this was my favorite!!!!  Lage build a torre (tower) for his Italian opera singer to sing songs out of ....LOVE IT!!!!!  So did the Raegan and Kierra!

Two Beautiful Princesses!

These huge palms our tour guide "Amy" tells us are imperial palms and a long time ago they used to only plant them when you had a royal child (or was it when you had a royal child)....anyways....thought these were they are all around this area....

So, if we have any visitors too will get to enjoy this WONDERFUL Park!!!!  :)  Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!  Amy, thanks for being our tour guide today!